A music genre is a categorical or typological construct that identifies musical sounds as belonging to a particular category and type of music that can be identified from other types of music.
The different genre categories are:
Art music refers to Classical Music, Contemporary Classical Music, Electronic Music, Experimental Music and it also includes Jazz.
Popular Music
The usual stereotype of "popular music" is music belonging to any of a number of musical styles that are accessible to the general public and are disseminated by one or more of the mass media. For a critical introduction, see the work of Richard Middleton (e.g. Studying Popular Music 1998) and Starr/Waterman American Popular Music (2004). Popular music is also used in more of a sense with the market economy, in a way music can be used to make a profit. Popular music is usually found on most commercial radio stations, in most commercial music retailers and department stores, and for use in movie and television soundtracks. Popular music is also recorded on the Billboard chartsand uses music producers as opposed to singersongwriters and composers.

Traditional Music
Traditional music is the modern name for what used to be called "Folk music", before the term "Folk music" was expanded to include a lot of non-traditional material. The defining characteristics of traditional music are:
- Oral transmission: The music is passed down, or learned, through singing and listening and sometimes dancing
- Cultural basis: The music derives from and is part of the traditions of a particular region or culture.

Regional and National Music
It is possible to categorize music geographically. For example, the term "Australian music" could include Australian rock music, Australian traditional music in the European style (e.g. Waltzing Matilda), Aboriginal Australian music, Australian classical music, and Australian Jazz.
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