Below is the first draft if my CD, I decided to go with the black and white theme, to keep it in the same style as my video. Personally, I think that the images look better in black and white as it shows of the chrome in the bike in some of the images. I decided to to a miniature booklet, this is includes a series of images taken from the location I was filming. There are four sides to this booklet, with a mixture of images ranging from guitars, motorbike shots and shots of the band members. I tried to aim this at my audience which is a mass audience, ranging from different ages, this is the type of CD cover that could apply to anyone in the age category of 20+.

The image on the right hand side is the front cover of my album, I wanted to keep it simple yet eye catching. I shot an image of the acoustic guitar that Steve Pettitt plays in the music video 'Home', I wanted to capture it at an usual angle, I placed the camera on the bass of the guitar and shot down the neck of the guitar. I shot this near a window, which casted a reflection in the bass of the guitar, which I though was effective, which is why I used this for my front cover. The image on the left hand side, was captured as the band was rehearsing before the video. I like the angle of this shot, you can see all of the detail and the composition works well. This will be the back of my book, so when the audience open up my CD, they have a fairly interesting image to look at.

I decided to include some motorbike shots in the booklet, to break the images up slightly. I stuck to the black and white theme, as the darkness of the captured the crispness of the chrome on the bike. I placed some lyrics onto the left hand image, the lyrics are from the song 'She Said'. I am going to redo this part, as you can not make out the text, I am going to change the colour and move the text so you can read it better. The right hand image was taken as Dave was driving towards me on the motorbike, he had the headlights on which casted the glare and when turned to black and white stood out from the rest of the frame.

A few band images have been included, to set the mood and the atmosphere. This shows the audience who the are, that they are three normal guys, doing what they love the most. These images were shot in my Steve Pettitt's back garden after the video was completed, I also included lyrics from another song on the left hand page. This page is going to be on the back of the middle page, so when the audience open the book it will vary from bike shot to band shot and then back to bike. I wanted to create this effect, so the book wasn't plain and simple.

This image is the middle page of the booklet, I wanted an usual image for the centre. I like the composition and the angle of the shot, lyrics were also included from the main song 'Home'. I had a few troubles with the lyrics, as the image is fairly bright it was difficult to find a place to situate the text. I have noticed a spelling mistake which I am going to change for the final piece. Overall, I am fairly happy with my draft CD, there are a few changes I am going to make for the final version, but not many.
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