Tuesday, 14 September 2010
Amie Pettitt Thriller
This is a typical but simple design, they use a basic colour scheme which consists of three colours, black, white and cream. There is a invert/ silhouetted image of Bryan Adams jumping in the air with an electric guitar in his hands. This creates a dark and abstract atmosphere to the album cover. There is a slight hint of colour towards the bottom of the Cd cover, a slight tint of red is shown on Bryan Adam's shoes. The font is also basic, not really creative and effective, although the font goes well with the whole image.
This is a typical traditional album cover as it uses traditional and effective artwork. The colours are very vibrant and vivid which stands out from the dark, black background. The font is a typical script writing which fits the overall theme. Florence and the Machines use the artwork as the main focus point, to attract the audience. Florence is tucked inside the wildlife, which makes her seem part of the piece. Her facial expressions are very calm, which relates to the imagery on the album.
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