Underneath the sign up hyperlink, there will be a main header, which will rotate with different images, text and lyrics. I can do this idea without using flash, the images will rotate every so often, to keep the audience interested. Some of the images that will be included will be main images of the band themselves, location shots with the band in the shot, lyrics from the latest song 'Home' and more. Below the header will be a small navigation bar, I have split the navigation bar into 6 small sections such as; Home, News, Biography, Video, Images and Tour Dates. Each of these sub headings will lead on to a different page which will give the audience more information about that chosen area. For the font, I want to keep it simple, most navigation bars I have researched have been hard to read.
The middle of the page will be a section titled ' Media', this is where the my video will be playing. Once clicking on the link, the video will appear in a pop up window, so you can view it in HD and full size. Underneath that will be a list of other songs that the band have recorded. The audience will be able to click on the link and listen to the song. A feedback box will be posted in the media section, so the public can tell us what they thought of the music and rate them out of 10. This is helpful for the band as they can see what other people think and act on what the public have said for the next song.
On the left hand side of the website will be a small photo gallery, packed with lots of different images of the band of the set and else where. This photo gallery will be portrayed in a thumbnail style, so that the audience can click on the image to view it in a bigger scale.
A news section will be situated on the right hand side, this will include the latest information on the band and the latest tour. This will give the audience chance to read up on what the band are doing and the latest gossip.Below the news section will be the tour dates, when the band are next touring, what dates, where and what time.
Finally at the bottom of the page will be a list of social networking sites that the band have joined, this will enable the audience to keep track of their moves and for the band to get more advertisement.
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